Literature For the Illiterate »

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

subnetting, binary hell, CCNA + new job= more $ ?

OK, I keep forgetting i have a blog. I will try to post something here everyday, but i make no promises. As you can see from my first entry technical support can be loosely linked to hell. I've been doing this line of work for so long it just rolls off my shoulders. I don't take anything personally, you really can't in a job like this. I've seen the smartest people get beat down by jobs like this because the are not mentally "tough enough" to take the onslaught of hateful ignorance most consumers spew while hiding behind their stupid VOIP telephones. Again, if you must call technical support understand that they are there to FIX YOUR PROBLEM, they are not CUSTOMER SERVICE and they sure as hell cant give you credit. Let them do what they do and when they are done ask to be transferred to the correct department regarding your bill..... OK, enough about this crappy job... how about we get a new one? eh? why not.....

Oh, this is a very good picture by TRENT it not only shows how boring this job is.. it shows just VOIP works... enjoy !!

I recently applied for a NOC (network operations center) for a competing company. The pay is about double what i make now so i have to go for it. As much as i complain about my current job, it really is not that bad and i do enjoy working with my friends. Money is really tight right now and i think this would be the best move for me and my family (much more on them later ;). The only problem i see with this new job prospect is all the damn reading i have to do! I forgot just how much stuff i forgot! Basically i have to become a network engineer in a week without any formal education. That may sound like a daunting task but most of this information is stuff I've learned on my own over the years. So the re-learning begins and i have to ace this interview/test, i just have to. Can anyone in the class tell me what the network address is for a host with the IP address is? I will update with progress and hopefully with good news of new jobby job. I leave you with this old Irish blessing....

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Anonymous said...

Is it weird that I assume that everyone wants to hire you? All they have to do is meet you and WHAM you get the job? You're so stinking likable!

"The bar man stared up at me and assessed what he saw. Unimpressed, he turned back to his newspaper, caring nothing for the cliché little picture he painted."