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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Anti Limericks? OR Has it come to this? OR Bad dreams: fear and loathing in dreamland. OR Money: make you or break you, the real value of a dollar.

There was a young man from Japan
Whose limericks never would scan.
When asked why this was,
He answered "because
I always try to fit as many syllables into the last line as ever possibly I can."

I guess its possible to have an anti-limerick............ who knew? not me.

Moving backwards.....

A quick search of the Internet reveals that yes in fact IT has come to this..... Just something for you to think about.

OK, so as far back as i can remember... um, oh wait... what?

DREAMS yeah i never remember them. Not really sure if I'm just not trying hard enough or if they are just not worth remembering. Meghyn has very real very scary dreams, so much so that it can bring her to tears and cause sleepless terrifying nights. I wish there was more i could do when that happens but i can barely remember my dreams, so it seems futile to try and leave my dream world, enter hers and save the day. I hope she knows if i could i would. I'm pretty sure if people could choose what they dreamt about they would become pretty boring and eventually they would no longer be dreams, they would just become you remembering the stupid stuff you do in your life. No imagination, no adventure, it would just be reality, just you closing your eyes and thinking about how good that piece of cake was you had at your 7Th birthday was. So whats the trade off? Dream in epic adventure with somewhat unbelievable over the top characters and colorful surroundings with the possibility of some being horribly frightening, grossly sadistic and just plain mean? Or, would you rather have a nice familiar picture of a time in your life that was pleasant, safe, and happy? I guess it depends, and i guess it doesn't matter cause you don't have a choice, your brain is going to do whatever it wants while you sleep.

So, as my eye Doctor says... better here?

Or here....

On another completely different c-note............

I think money has everyone down. As Trent put it last night.. "Getting out of debt is the new American dream, its no longer the house with the white picket fence, the dog, the wife, and the 2.5 kids." Damn! if that's not the most sad and depraved, true statement I've heard in a while. If you or someone you know is hurting financially right now remember, its only a matter of time before someone tells you something cliche' like "it could be worse!" or even better "its gotta get worse before it gets better!" or my personal favorite.. "FK IT lets go to the BOAT!!". If someone tells you something like this, just nod and smile, unless its the latter in which case get out your fkn checkbook, shove all in, double down, get a drink and relax, then tell the guy at the bar who just lost his house to the craps table.. "Hey, it can always be worse!"

Oh, if you have no idea how this country's monetary system works you really should check this out I try to take everything with a grain of salt but this really got me thinking how far off this world really is from where it should/could be. Most of the points in this movie are true, which is scary. There are however, some things that are just not feasible and will never happen, for better or worse. So, if you have 2 hours to kill and want to see just how crazy we are click the link and get cozy. That's it for now folks. Today i leave you with words from someone who was smarter than me and you.....

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. "

-Benjamin Franklin