Literature For the Illiterate »

Saturday, October 18, 2008


This will be my first entry, since im at work now i thought it was fitting. My MS Paint skills are not all that great, but i just wanted to show you what its like working in tech support. If you call tech support, do me a favor and remember that your problem is not unique or special and the person your talking to has had the exact same call over and over again all day and your really dont need to give them a story or "background". Tell them what the problem is and let them fix it.. and if at all possible stfu and be patient. That is all for now, my first post will not be spell chedcked or proofread for grammer so if that bothers you.. well, your probly gonna hate this blog anyway. Until that time my friends......


Pameleen said...

Welcome to the blogesphere, lover. Remember with power comes responsibility. -M