Literature For the Illiterate »

Saturday, November 15, 2008

For those about to rock, Bob salutes you.

One of my favorite characters from The Kids in the Hall. If you have never seen it, you should check it out. Don't be fooled by these dumb clips, they are really funny, offensive but funny. Without further ado i bring you F'n good ham.

Dammit Bobby!!

It's cold and raining out, good thing I'm at work. Not really sure which is worse freezing and wet or warm and bored. I don't have much to write about, I'm sure i could ramble on about poker for many paragraphs, or rant even longer about work. I could write about Marley, but Meghyn does a much better job logging her progress and cuteness, if you haven't checked it out you can read about them here

Mind is numb and work is over. Until next time...

This ones for Meghyn :)